In 2022, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to scientists who made a groundbreaking discovery: they proved that the universe is not "real" in the way we traditionally understand it. This is not a philosophical assertion, but a scientific conclusion drawn from quantum physics, a field that continues to challenge our perceptions of reality.
While some may assume this idea is rooted in Vedanta, the ancient Indian philosophy that describes the universe as an illusion (Maya), it is essential to recognize that this statement was made by Western scientists with no ties to Vedantic teachings. The concept that "the universe is not locally real" is a direct result of quantum physics' deep dive into the nature of reality.
The parallel between quantum physics and Advaita Vedanta is remarkable. At the heart of both lies the assertion that the universe, as we perceive it, does not possess an inherent, independent existence. Vedanta has long taught that the world we experience is Maya, a projection of Brahman (the ultimate consciousness). Quantum physics, through its fundamental principles, is now aligning with this ancient wisdom, though through a scientific lens.
The Two Fundamental Principles: Overlap Between Quantum Physics and Vedanta
One of the core principles of quantum physics is that the universe is not "real" in the way classical physics once described it. Similarly, Vedanta teaches that the physical universe is not the ultimate reality but a projection, a mere illusion of the mind. In quantum physics, reality is not independent of the observer—an idea that aligns directly with Vedantic thought. According to Vedanta, it is Maya, that "creates" the universe, with Brahman being the "Sakshi" (witness) to all of existence.
Another striking similarity lies in the role of the observer in quantum mechanics. In the quantum world, it is the observer who brings reality into existence, collapsing the wave function to reveal particles. This is not unlike the Vedantic principle that Brahman, or consciousness, is the witness, which enables the material world to come into existence. The observer in quantum physics, much like Maya in Vedanta, plays an active role in shaping reality.
A Short Journey Through Physics: From Classical Physics to Quantum Mechanics
To understand the convergence of quantum physics and Advaita Vedanta, we must first explore the evolution of our understanding of reality through physics. Classical Newtonian physics, which dominated for centuries, posited a world governed by rigid laws of matter. In this view, consciousness had no role to play in shaping the universe; it was a passive observer of a world that functioned independently of it.
However, the advent of quantum physics in the 20th century shattered this view. Quantum mechanics introduced a radically different conception of reality, one in which the observer played a crucial role in determining the behaviour of particles. The famous double-slit experiment, one of the cornerstones of quantum physics, vividly demonstrated this.
The Double-Slit Experiment: The Role of the Observer
The double-slit experiment provides a window into the strange and non-intuitive world of quantum mechanics. In the classic version of the experiment, electrons are shot towards a screen with two slits. If one assumes that the electrons behave as particles, they should pass through one slit or the other, creating two distinct lines on the detector screen. Instead, what was observed was an interference pattern, similar to the way waves interact, suggesting that the electrons were behaving as waves rather than particles.
This posed a major puzzle: how could particles, which were thought to be small, localized objects, also exhibit wave-like behaviour? The solution came when scientists realized that the behaviour of the electron was influenced by observation. When no detector was placed to observe which slit the electron passed through, the interference pattern appeared, as if the electron were passing through both slits simultaneously. However, when a detector was placed to observe the particle, the electron behaved as a particle, passing through only one slit and creating two distinct lines on the detector.
This led to the conclusion that the act of observation was responsible for collapsing the wave function, turning the wave-like probabilities into a definite particle. In quantum mechanics, reality is not fixed until it is observed. This is where the question arises: who, or what, is the observer? Is it the scientist watching the experiment? Or is it the detector, an inanimate object?

Image Credit: NewScientist
The following are key variations of the experiment that explore the implications of observation, information, and entanglement on the nature of reality:
The Classic Double-Slit Experiment
Setup: A source emits particles (such as electrons or photons) toward a barrier with two slits. A screen behind the barrier records where the particles land.
Expectation: If particles behave like classical objects, they should pass through one slit or the other, forming two bands on the screen. If they behave like waves, they should create an interference pattern.
Observation: When not observed, particles create an interference pattern, behaving as if they passed through both slits simultaneously. When a detector is used to observe which slit each particle goes through, the interference pattern disappears, and the particles behave as if they passed through only one slit.
Implication: The act of observation collapses the wave function, forcing the particle to "choose" a definite state.
The Delayed Choice Experiment
Setup: A detector is placed after the double slit to determine which slit the particle passed through. However, the decision to activate the detector is made after the particle has already passed through the slits.
Expectation: If the particle's behaviour is determined solely by its interaction with the detector, the interference pattern should still be observed when the detector is activated after the particle has passed through the slits.
Observation: The interference pattern disappears when the detector is activated, even though the decision to activate it was made after the particle passed through the slits. This suggests that the particle somehow "knows" it will be observed, even in the future.
Implication: This experiment suggests that the particle's behaviour is not predetermined but instead depends on the act of observation—even retroactively. It challenges the classical notion of cause and effect and aligns with the Vedantic idea of a timeless, non-linear reality.
The Quantum Eraser Experiment
Setup: Information about which slit the particle passed through is initially recorded but then "erased" before it can be observed by a conscious observer.
Expectation: If the particle's behaviour is solely determined by the act of measurement, erasing the information should have no effect on the observed interference pattern.
Observation: The interference pattern reappears when the information about which slit the particle passed through is erased. This further emphasizes the role of observation (or the potential for observation) in determining the particle's behaviour.
Implication: This experiment underscores the role of potential observation in shaping reality. The interference pattern reappears only when the information is erased, emphasizing that it is not the recording of information but the conscious potential to observe it that determines the particle's behaviour. This aligns with the Vedantic notion that the universe is shaped by Maya; reality unfolds based on the interplay between the observer and the observed.
Entangled Particle Experiments
Setup: Pairs of entangled particles are created. One particle is sent through the double-slit experiment, while the other particle is measured at a distant location.
Expectation: The behaviour of the particle passing through the slits should not be influenced by measurements performed on its entangled partner.
Observation: Measurements made on the distant entangled particle can affect the interference pattern observed for the particle passing through the slits. This highlights the non-local nature of quantum entanglement and further challenges our understanding of reality.
Implication: This experiment highlights the interconnectedness of particles, regardless of the distance between them. It challenges the classical notion of locality and suggests that reality is fundamentally non-local. This mirrors the Vedantic principle of oneness, where all distinctions between entities are illusory, and all existence is part of a singular, interconnected whole—Brahman.

Image Credit: thequantuminsider
Bringing It All Together
The implications of these experiments suggest that observation, consciousness, and interconnectedness are fundamental to the nature of reality. They challenge classical notions of causality and locality, hinting at a reality where the observer plays an integral role. While interpretations vary, these phenomena open avenues for exploring the relationship between consciousness, information, and the fabric of the universe.These principles resonate deeply with the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which asserts:
Reality is shaped by consciousness: Both quantum mechanics and Vedanta agree that the universe arises in relation to an observer. In Vedanta, this is Maya in relation to Brahman; in quantum physics, it is the act of observation.
Reality transcends time and space: The delayed choice and entangled particle experiments suggest that classical notions of time and space are inadequate to describe the universe. Similarly, Vedanta teaches that Brahman exists beyond time and space. The Delayed Choice and Quantum Eraser experiments suggest that observation is not merely a passive act but an active process that determines the nature of reality, which is due to Maya, or the illusory world, enabled by Brahman, the cosmic observer.
Interconnectedness is fundamental: The non-local behaviour observed in entangled particles aligns with Vedanta's assertion of oneness—that all existence is interconnected and all distinctions are illusory and that ultimate reality is one and indivisible within the fabric of Brahman
By examining these experiments, we see not only the limitations of classical physics but also the profound insights they offer into the nature of consciousness and reality. These parallels between quantum mechanics and Advaita Vedanta illuminate the possibility of a deeper, unified understanding of existence.
The Definition of Reality in Quantum Physics and Vedanta
In classical physics, reality is defined by two key properties: objective existence and independent existence. For something to be considered "real," it must continue to exist whether or not someone is observing it, and others must be able to observe and agree upon its existence. Let's explore how this classical definition applies to the findings of quantum physics and its implications, especially in light of Advaita Vedanta.
Objective and Independent Existence: A Classical Perspective
Imagine you're sitting in an auditorium. According to classical physics, the auditorium is "real" because:
It continues to exist even when you are not looking at it.
Anyone else entering the auditorium would agree on its appearance and contents.
Now, compare this to a dream where you picture the same auditorium vividly. Physics would say the dream is not real because:
The auditorium in the dream ceases to exist once you wake up.
No one else can observe or validate the auditorium in your dream.
Quantum Physics: A Challenge to Classical Reality
The behaviour of particles in quantum experiments reveals a surprising conclusion: particles do not adhere to the classical definition of reality.
Key Insight: Particles exist only when they are observed. Without observation, they remain in a probabilistic state, described by the wave function, and have no definite properties like position or momentum.
This aligns with Niels Bohr's famous statement:
Everything we call real is made up of things that cannot be regarded as real.
The idea is profoundly counterintuitive, even shocking, as Einstein himself remarked when he challenged the Copenhagen interpretation:
Do you really believe the moon isn’t there if nobody’s looking at it?
Einstein's Hidden Information Hypothesis
Einstein acknowledged the predictive success of quantum mechanics but argued that it was incomplete. He suggested the possibility of "hidden variables"—unobserved factors that could account for the seemingly strange behaviour of particles.
Analogy: Imagine watching a magician perform a trick. The trick appears illogical because you lack crucial information about how it is performed. Einstein believed that if the "hidden information" of quantum systems were uncovered, the mystery of quantum mechanics would dissolve.
Bell's Theorem: Proving or Disproving Hidden Variables
John Bell formulated a theorem to test whether "hidden variables" could explain quantum behaviour. The challenge was to design experiments that could conclusively prove or disprove the existence of such hidden information.
Recent Nobel-winning experiments demonstrated that Bell's inequality is violated. These results strongly support the view that:
Quantum mechanics is not incomplete.
There are no hidden variables that restore a classical, objective reality.
In essence, the experiments confirmed that particles do not exist independently of observation.
A Profound Shock to Classical Thinking
Quantum mechanics has profoundly shaken our understanding of reality, as Bohr suggested:
"If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet."
Yet, for a Vedanta student, these ideas feel natural. The quantum view of reality as observer-dependent and interconnected mirrors the timeless truths of Advaita Vedanta. While quantum physics describes these phenomena mathematically, Vedanta provides the philosophical framework to understand their deeper implications. By bridging science and spirituality, we glimpse the profound unity underlying all existence.
The Observer Paradox in Quantum Physics
In quantum physics, the "Observer Paradox" poses a profound question: How does observation bring particles into existence? The act of observing appears to collapse potential realities into a single outcome. The exact mechanism of wave function collapse is one of the most debated and mysterious aspects of quantum mechanics. Here's a breakdown of current understanding and leading interpretations:
Most Widely Accepted Explanation: Decoherence is the prevailing explanation for wave function collapse.
Interaction with the Environment: When a quantum system interacts with its environment (like air molecules, electromagnetic fields, or a measuring device), the system becomes entangled with its surroundings.
Loss of Quantum Information: This interaction leads to a rapid loss of quantum coherence – the superposition of states. The system essentially loses its quantum properties and becomes "classical."
Decoherence in the Macroscopic World: As mentioned earlier, decoherence quickly washes out quantum effects in the macroscopic world. The vast number of interactions that macroscopic objects experience with their environment rapidly destroys any quantum superposition.
Analogy: Imagine a perfectly balanced coin spinning in the air. In isolation, it exists in a superposition of "heads" and "tails." But when it lands on the ground, it interacts with the surface, loses its spin, and collapses into a definite state (heads or tails). Decoherence is similar, where the interaction with the environment "forces" the system into a definite state.
Emergence of Classical Behavior: The macroscopic world, with its seemingly solid and predictable behavior, emerges from the underlying quantum world. The principles of quantum mechanics, even if not directly observable, are essential for understanding the behavior of the fundamental particles that make up all matter.
Indirect Effects: While we may not directly experience quantum weirdness, its effects are pervasive.
Technology: The functioning of modern electronics, including computers and smartphones, relies heavily on the properties of semiconductors, which are fundamentally quantum mechanical in nature.
Chemistry: Chemical reactions, the building blocks of life itself, are governed by the principles of quantum mechanics.
Other Interpretations:
Copenhagen Interpretation: This influential interpretation suggests that the act of measurement itself causes the wave function to collapse. However, it doesn't provide a clear mechanism for how this happens.
Many-Worlds Interpretation: This interpretation proposes that the wave function never actually collapses. Instead, every possible outcome of a measurement occurs in a separate universe.
Consciousness-Based Interpretations: Some interpretations suggest that consciousness plays a crucial role in the collapse of the wave function. However, these interpretations are often considered controversial and lack empirical support.
Philosophical Implications: Even if we don't directly observe quantum effects in our everyday lives, they raise profound philosophical questions about the nature of reality, the role of observation, and the relationship between the quantum world and the classical world we experience.

Image Credit: Allison Atwill
Important Considerations:
Wave function collapse is a complex and debated topic.
Decoherence provides a plausible explanation for many quantum phenomena, but it doesn't fully address all the subtleties of measurement.
Research continues to explore the nature of measurement and the collapse of the wave function.
While the direct impact of the observer effect on our everyday macroscopic world might not be immediately apparent, the principles of quantum mechanics, including the role of observation, are fundamental to our understanding of the universe at all levels.
It's important to remember that our understanding of the relationship between the quantum world and the macroscopic world is still evolving.
Advaita Vedanta: A Lens on Consciousness
Advaita Vedanta, the science of consciousness, offers insights into this paradox. According to Vedanta, the only ultimate reality is Brahman, pure consciousness, and the world is an illusion (Maya). Everything in the universe, despite its multiplicity, is a manifestation of Brahman.
The Dream Analogy
A powerful analogy in Advaita Vedanta compares the universe to a dream and Brahman to the dreamer:
The entire dream world, with its myriad forms, exists within the dreamer’s consciousness.
The dreamer creates, sustains, and dissolves the dream effortlessly.
All elements of the dream are projections of consciousness, even though they appear separate.
Resolving the Observer Paradox
What creates the dream? The dreamer doesn’t engage in physical labor but brings the dream into existence by merely witnessing it. Similarly, in Advaita Vedanta, Brahman as the Sakshi (witness) brings the universe into being by observing it.
Within a dream, nothing can exist unless the dreamer perceives it. The act of witnessing is the source of existence. For example, when a dreamer shifts focus from stars to a garden, the stars cease to exist. They are not stored or hidden; they simply vanish because they are no longer observed.
The Virtual Reality Analogy
Imagine wearing a virtual reality (VR) headset. In this virtual world, objects and landscapes appear to come into existence only when you direct your attention toward them. When you look away, those elements seem to disappear. Did they ever exist independently, or were they simply generated by the VR system in response to your gaze?
This analogy mirrors our experience of reality. The physical world, like the VR environment, seems to emerge based on where our awareness is directed. From an Advaitic perspective, this demonstrates that the world is a projection of Consciousness. It is not that objects exist independently and we perceive them; rather, their existence is tied to the act of observation itself.
Consciousness and Reality
This parallels quantum physics, where the observer’s act of measurement brings particles into being. Just as in the dream analogy, the universe exists because Brahman witnesses it. Brahman, as Sakshi Chaitanya (witnessing consciousness), embodies the fundamental principle of existence.
By examining the Observer Paradox through the lens of Advaita Vedanta, we see that observation itself is the creative force. The parallels between quantum physics and Vedanta not only deepen our understanding of reality but also invite us to explore the profound relationship between consciousness and existence.
Concluding Thoughts: Science Meets Spirituality
The convergence of quantum physics and Advaita Vedanta is a profound reminder that science and spirituality are complementary, not contradictory. While Vedanta has long taught that reality is a projection of consciousness, quantum physics provides experimental evidence to support this view.
As our understanding of quantum mechanics deepens, it becomes increasingly clear that the universe is not a fixed, independent entity but a manifestation shaped by observation and consciousness. This shared insight opens the door to a more unified understanding of reality, where science and spirituality converge to reveal the profound truth of existence.
In the subsequent blogs, we will explore the implications of these insights for our understanding of consciousness and their practical relevance in daily life. Stay tuned!
Note: This blog is inspired from this youtube video!